Sunday, November 30, 2008

Weekend KPMG Community Run Day 30/11/2008

Weekend KPMG Community Run Day 30/11/2008

I woke up about 6:30 am today despite the fact that I slept like 12 the night before. I hate waking up early to do exercises as it was definitely not my style. I had some light breakfast which consisted oatmeal,milk,500ml tea mix with milk, 1 tablet of multivitamin and 4 capsules of omega fish oil.

Here are some photos taken before and after the run:

1. Myself ready for the run about 7:00 am in the morning
Myself before the KPMG Run 2008

2. A pair of Asic shoe that have served me well in all the gym session I performed since early this year.
A pair of Asic shoes

3. My number for the run, 145.
Running number, 145

I arrived at TTDI Primary school about 7:45 am, it was very difficult to find any car park as usual. I had to resort to parking near the Mosque which was about 500 metres away I reckon. The run started about 8:20 am if I am not mistaken, I completed the entire ordeal by 9:15. Total time for me to complete the run was about 45 mins to 50 mins.

My stats for the run is as follows:

Sunday, 30/11/2008, Heavy cardiovascular session

45-50 mins of walking and jogging (unable to estimate speed at all)
* Resulted in 6.2km covered and I think about 500 calories burned or more.

Obviously with that time frame, I did not win anything at all. At least, I know where I stand when it comes to cardiovascular exercises. I may intensify my cardiovascular training whenever I see fit. I will most probably be intensifying the HIIT for runs again, hopefully with better results the next time.

In addition, I think I did pretty alright for this week. This is because if I do the calculation of distance covered for this run and the other two gym sessions, I would arrived at about 15.3km covered this entire week. I may not beat most of the season runners but I am pretty sure that most runners couldn't handle the weight training I do anyways.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Work Day Gym Session 28/11/2008

Work Day Gym Session 28/11/2008

I'll admit this that I was trying to skip gym today again. I'll love to blame it on the bad weather as it was raining before and after I hit the gym today. Due to the fact that I will be required to run 6.2km on Sunday morning for the Community Day Run for KPMG, I reckon that this gym session would served as my final gym training before the run. I am hopeful that I will recover within one day in anticipating the run on Sunday.

I have decided to lift light to moderate weights for today's weights training. This is because I am trying to measure my endurance while running on the treadmill. I arrived at the gym about 7:30 pm and left the gym at 9:00 pm. Total time spent in the gym = 1 hour 30 mins (I'll like to keep my gym session within 90 mins if possible at all times)

My workout routine as follows:

5 mins on rowing machine @ effort level = 10
* Resulted in 41 calories burned

Standing barbell bicep curls + Skullcrusher (Super-set):
1x10 @ 18.18kg (biceps)
1x10 @ 18.18kg (triceps)
3x10 @ 22.25kg (biceps)
3x10 @ 22.25kg (triceps)
* I am doing lighter than usual weights for this as well.

Pendley row + Dumbbells shoulder fliers (Super-set):
2x10 @ 42.5kg (Pendley)
2x10 @ 9.09kg per arm, total = 18.18kg (fliers)
2x10 @ 52.5kg (Pendley)
2x10 @ 6.81kg per arm, total = 13.63kg (fliers)
1x6 @ 42.5kg (Pendley)
1x12 @ 20kg (Pendley)
* I was trying to do the proper Pendley Row with the final 2 sets, thanks to a personal trainer, I managed to learn the right form I guess.

Lat Pulldown - fixed weight + Leg Curls - fixed weight (Super-Set):
1x10 @ 25kg (leg curls)
2x10 @ 40kg (Pulldown)
1x10 @ 40kg (leg curls)
2x10 @ 45kg (Pulldown)
2x10 @ 45kg (leg curls)
* I have tweak this to incorporate a slightly easier work out for this session.

Inclined benchpress:
2x10 @ 50kg
2x10 @ 60kg
* Lighter than usual and without super-set, to conserve my stamina and energy for the run.

Barbell shoulder press:
1x8 @ 40kg
* I couldn't be bothered to do this exercise as I was more occupied in trying to get to the treadmill ASAP.

30 mins on treadmill @ speed = 9.0 kmph and gradient = 0
1 min on treadmill @ speed = 4.5kmph and gradient = 0 (cool-down)
* Resulted in 390 calories burned and about 4.6 km jog. This was slightly higher than the interval training in terms of both distance covered and calories burned. However, I will revert back to the interval training as it is far more interesting and tiresome.

This is my final gym session before the run on Sunday dated 30/11/2008. I am targeting to finish the race in at least within 45 mins timeframe. I should get as much rest as possible prior to the run on Sunday. Wish me luck, guys.......I probably need lotsa of those and maybe some glutamine.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Work Day Gym Session 25/11/2008

Work Day Gym Session 25/11/2008

There are some days that you wish that it would just end right away. Today is that day, everything seems to be topsy turvy. I was so pissed off that every hour of the day I was hoping that I would be in the gym doing my weights thereby releasing some good amount of stress.

I believe my lack of progression could be due to the built up of cortisol which obviously comes from work. Today's gym session was slightly longer than usual because I had to wait for the station to be vacant. I arrived at the gym about 6:45 pm and left the gym about 8:30 pm. Total time spent in the gym = 1 hour 45 mins.

My workout routine as follows:

5 mins on rowing machine @ effort level = 10
* Resulted in 41 calories burned

Dumbbells bicep curls + Standing dumbbell triceps extension (Super-set):
2 (2x10) @ 13.63kg per arm, total = 27.27kg (biceps)
2x10 @ 29.54kg (triceps)
2 (2x10) @ 15.90kg per arm, total = 31.81kg (biceps)
2x10 @ 31.81kg (triceps)
* Pretty standard start up work out I would say, totally breeze through this.

Squats (full) :
1x10 @ 60kg
1x10 @ 70kg
1x10 @ 80kg
1x10 @ 90kg
* I think I am ready for a 100kg deep squat. I didn't go for super-sets today due to other stations were fully occupied.

Pullovers + Dumbbells Chest Fliers (Super-set):
2x10 @ 29.54kg (pullovers)
2x10 @ 11.36kg per arm, total = 22.72kg (fliers)
2x10 @ 31.81kg (pullovers)
2x10 @ 13.63kg per arm, total = 27.27kg (fliers)
* I tweak this super-set due to the fact that the benchpress was occupied as well.

Triceps pulldown - fixed weight:
1x10 @ 17.5kg
1x10 @ 20.0kg
1x10 @ 22.5kg
1x10 @ 25.0kg
* This was a very easy exercise I would say but I was starting to feel a bit of tired.

Flat barbell benchpress:
1x10 @ 50kg
2x10 @ 60kg
1x10 @ 65kg
* This was quite light compared to what I usually do, I think I was too determined to rush the workout.

Pulley - fixed weight:
1x10 @ 30kg
1x10 @ 35kg
1x10 @ 40kg
1x10 @ 45kg
* This was my final weight exercise, felt quite good after this workout.

30 mins on treadmill with intervals
(eg. 2-3 mins @ effort level = 10 and 2-3 mins @ effort level = 8)
1 mins on treadmill @ effort level = 4.0 (Cool-down)
* Resulted in 390 calories burned and about 4.6 km sprint and jog.

I increased the intensity of my cardiovascular exercise today in anticipating for the short run this Sunday. For this run, I would be required to cover about 6.2km and mainly up hill if not mistaken. The prizes are quite luxurious plus most of my competitors (99.9%) would be accountant (this implies that accountants rarely exercise anyways.)

I probably bring my camera to take some photos of myself and maybe some new people I meet over there. So far, I think there are no participators from Tax department save for me. What a bummer...........

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Work Day Gym Session 20/11/2008

Work Day Gym Session 20/11/2008

I was so eager to hit the gym no matter what today. However, I was pretty much bogged down with both work training and work load. That didn't really matter as I went to gym anyways after I finished all the stuff I needed to do today.

*Rant about petrol*:
Why is that we are actually paying more for petrol than those countries which are net importer of petrol? So instead of giving us a subsidy for petrol, we are now paying more than necessary. Great going, shit for brains government. Even an idiot would have picked this up easy. What the hell?

I got into the gym almost 7:15 pm and I left the gym about 8:45 pm. Total time spent in the gym = 1 hour 30 mins.

My workout routine is as follows:

5 mins on rowing machine @ effort level = 10
* Resulted in 41 calories burned

Standing barbell bicep curls + Skullcrusher (Super-set):
1x10 @ 18.18kg (biceps)
1x10 @ 18.18kg (triceps)
3x10 @ 22.25kg (biceps)
3x10 @ 22.25kg (triceps)
* I was a bit tired from doing this super-set....hmmm.

Deadlifts + Dumbbells shoulder fliers (Super-set):
1x10 @ 60kg (deadlifts)
2x10 @ 9.09kg per arm, total = 18.18kg (fliers)
2x10 @ 70kg (deadlifts)
1x10 @ 11.36kg per arm, total = 22.72kg (fliers)
1x10 @ 80kg (deadlifts)
1x10 @ 6.81kg per arm, total = 13.63kg (fliers)
* I seriously hate doing deadlifts because I have to constantly set the bar up without any stand.

Lat Pulldown - fixed weight + Legpress - fixed weight (Super-Set):
1x10@40kg (pulldown)
1x10@ 180kg (legpress)
2x10@45kg (pulldown)
1x10@ 210kg (legpress)
1x10@50kg (pulldown)
2x10@ 230kg (legpress)
* Damn, I almost did the whole stack of weights for the legpress fixed weight machine, oh yeah.

Pendley row:
1x10 @ 32.5kg
2x10 @ 42.5kg
1x10 @ 52.5kg
* I was not able to super-set this with some other exercise. However, I still managed to do it in a relative short period of time.

Dumbbells rows:
1 (2x10) @ 13.63kg per arm, total = 27.27kg
1 (2x10) @ 18.18kg per arm, total = 36.36kg
2 (2x10) @ 20.45kg per arm, total = 40.91kg
* I have not done this particular exercise for a long long time.

30 mins on treadmill with intervals
(eg. 2 mins @ effort level = 10-11 and 3 mins @ effort level = 8)
1 mins on treadmill @ effort level = 6.4 (Cool-down)
* Resulted in 380 calories burned and about 4.5 km sprint and jog.

I am currently training for a short marathon (about 6.2km and mainly uphill if not mistaken) for next Sunday dated 30/11/2008. Wish me luck, I doubt I can win anything and there seems to be lack of participation from my company.

I think I might just bring my camera along to take some photos of the event.

KPMG Community Day 17/11/2008

KPMG Community Day 17/11/2008

For almost the entire, today I get to wear casual clothings to work. This is because it was a community day for my employer. This year we took some orphan who came from the orphanage located in Bangsar to the Kuala Lumpur Bird Park.

We spent the entire exploring the Bird Park with an orphan allocated to every two people from my firm. The orphan that I took care that day was Andrew, a young chinese boy. The exploring of the bird park took about 2 hours and there was a bird talent show as well.

The stats for the walk in the Bird Park:

Monday, 17/11/2008 Medium cardio session

120 mins walking with Andrew around the bird park.
* Resulted in ??? calories burned and about ??? km walked (I am just too lazy to estimate it, all I can say is that it was a good walk)

Here are some photos of the event:

1. Kuala Lumpur Bird Park
Kuala Lumpur Bird Park

2. Peacock (there was lotsa peacocks in the bird park)
Peacock in Bird Park

3. Part of Group 7, the boy in blue was the one I took care of that day
Part of group 7 and orphans

4. Another Group photo. Hmmm, I find that our uniform is strikingly bright
Group photo

5. After having lunch, we had some dance party. This was group 7's dance.
Group 7 Dance, Where is Ken?

6. Group 1 got the prize with their chicken dance and thereafter breakdance.
Group one got first prize

7. Everybody who participated in the KPMG Community Day. Ahh, the memories.
Everybody who participated, where's Ken?

We got home early for once, the ordeal lasted up to 3:30 pm. I got home about 4:30 pm. I should have hit the gym immediately but for some reasons, I was pretty tired.

I just love my new camera, all the above photos were taken with my Panasonic Lumix FX38 with the exception of the last one.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Work Day Gym Session 12/11/2008

Work Day Gym Session 12/11/2008

Today I did not feel healthy for some reasons. I had headaches coming and going, I would think that it was due to the fact that I did not really want to hit the gym today. Nonetheless I went to the gym anyways.

I got into the gym about 6:45 pm and got off about 8:30 pm. The total time spent in the gym = 1 hour 45 mins. I was trying my best to shorten it but as it appears I will not be successful unless it was done before working hours I think. Given that, I was pretty fatigued mentally before even starting my gym session.

My workout routine for the day as follows:

5 mins on rowing machine @ effort level = 10
* Resulted in 41 calories burned

Dumbbells bicep curls + Standing dumbbell triceps extension (Super-set):
2 (2x10) @ 13.63kg per arm, total = 27.27kg (biceps)
1x10 @ 29.54kg (triceps)
2 (2x10) @ 15.90kg per arm, total = 31.81kg (biceps)
2x10 @ 31.81kg (triceps)
* This was the usual weight and workload for the day.

Dumbbells flat benchpress + Dumbbells chest fliers (Super-set):
1x10 @ 25kg per arm, total = 50kg (benchpress)
2x10 @ 9.09kg per arm, total = 20kg (fliers)
2x10 @ 27.27kg per arm, total = 54.54kg (benchpress)
2x10 @ 11.36kg per arm, total = 22.72kg (fliers)
1x10 @ 29.54kg per arm, total = 59.09kg (benchpress)
* I did the dumbbells instead of the usual barbell version, seems alright. Definitely I could do heavier the next time.

Pulley - fixed weight + Lat Pulldown - fixed weight (Super-set):
2x10 @ 45kg (pulldown)
1x10 @ 40kg (pulley)
1x10 @ 50kg (pulldown)
1x10 @ 45kg (pulley)
1x10 @ 55kg (pulldown)
1x10 @ 35kg (pulley)
* I did some modification to this super set, seems quite alright as well because this didn't wear me out that quickly.

Squats (full) + Dumbbells Shoulder Fliers (Super-set):
1x10 @ 60kg (squats)
2x10 @ 9.09kg per arm, total = 18.18kg (fliers)
1x10 @ 70kg (squats)
1x10 @ 11.36kg per arm, total = 22.72kg (fliers)
1x10 @ 80kg (squats)
1x10 @ 13.63kg per arm, total = 27.27kg (fliers)
* The 90kg squat more or less destroyed me from doing my cardiovascular exercises, I had to rest for awhile.

30 mins on treadmill with intervals
1 min on treadmill @ 6.4 kmph and gradient = 0 (cool down)
(eg. 2 mins @ effort level = 10 and 3 mins @ effort level = 8)
* Resulted in 380 calories burned and about 4.4km sprint and jog.

I guess this is not bad given that I was not really in the mood to hit the gym today. If I could just pull another session on Saturday that would be great. I reckon my stamina has improved tremendously and I am going to give marathon a try whenever there is a chance to.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Work Day Gym Session 10/11/2008

Work Day Gym Session 10/11/2008

My body was reluctant to hit the gym today. My body gave me signals such as slight headaches, legs felt like jelly and etc. Given that I have already brought all my gym equipment, it would seem like a waste if I did not hit the gym today.

I did some modification to today's gym session. Instead of a full body workout that I usually performed. Today I did some sort of splits, most weight exercises I did today was focused of both my chest and shoulders.

I arrived at the gym about 6:45 pm today and I left the gym about 8:30 pm. Total time spent in the gym = 1 hour 45 mins. I totally blew the time frame that I am supposed to spend in the gym. I reckon I should drink a cup of black coffee without sugar on a daily basis to increase my caffeine intake (as I used to undertake one Lipo-6 tablet a day before)

My workout routine for the day is as follows:

5 mins on rowing machine @ effort level = 10
* Resulted in 41 calories burned

Inclined barbell benchpress + Standing barbell bicep curls (Super-set):
1x10 @ 50kg (benchpress)
1x10 @ 18.18kg (biceps)
2x10 @ 60kg (benchpress)
2x10 @ 22.25kg (biceps)
1x10 @ 55kg (benchpress)
1x10 @ 25kg (biceps)
* I replace the other super-set exercise with standing barbell bicep curls.

Dumbbells shoulder press + Skullcrusher (Super-set):
1x10 @ 15.90kg per arm, total = 31.81kg (shoulder press)
1x10 @ 25kg (skullcrusher)
2x10 @ 18.18kg per arm, total = 36.36kg (shoulder press)
2x10 @ 30kg (skullcrusher)
1x10 @ 13.63kg per arm, total = 27.27kg (shoulder press)
1x10 @ 27.5kg (skullcrusher)
* This was definitely not my best exercise for the day, the performance of this exercise actually worsen compared to the last entry.

Upper back pulley - fixed weight + Leg extension - fixed weight (Super-set):
1x10 @ 30kg (pulley)
1x10 @ 50kg (leg extension)
1x10 @ 40kg (pulley)
1x10 @ 55kg (leg extension)
1x10 @ 45kg (pulley)
2x10 @ 60kg (leg extension)
1x10 @ 50kg (pulley)
* This was out of norm as I rarely used either of the machine for this super-set.

1x10 @ 25kg
1x10 @ 27.27kg
2x10 @ 29.54kg
* I could not do a super set for this as the benchpress rack was occupied.

Barbell shoulder press:
1x10 @ 30kg
1x10 @ 35kg
1x10 @ 40kg
1x10 @ 42.5kg
* I definitely could have done better for this particular weight exercise.

30 mins on treadmill with intervals
1 min on treadmill @ 6.4 kmph and gradient = 0 (cool down)
(eg. 2 mins @ effort level = 10 and 3 mins @ effort level = 8)
* Resulted in 380 calories burned and about 4.4km sprint and jog.

I tweaked the cardiovascular exercise a bit today (ie. treadmill). Instead of jogging @ 8.0kmph for 3 minutes and then sprint @ 10.0kmph for 2 minutes, I did the exact opposite (ie. sprint @ 10.0kmph for 2 minutes then jog for @ 8.0kmph). Whilst I did not feel any different from the exercise, I was better motivated while doing for some unknown reasons.

I am hopeful to pull another gym session on either Wednesday dated 12/11/2008 or Thursday dated 13/11/2008.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Work Day Gym Session 06/11/2008

Work Day Gym Session 06/11/2008

I was definitely procrastinating whether I should hit the gym today or not. I felt quite excited to go to the gym yet a bit bored by the journey that I need to take to go there. Also, I was still fatigued from the gym session on Tuesday dated 04/11/2008.

It was an interesting day yesterday (ie. Wednesday dated 05/11/2008). Barrack Obama won the election and will be the next president of the United States. I was delighted by the news that race no longer plays a role in the United States. Hopefully, one day Malaysia could mimic that instead of promoting facism.

Anyway, I got into the gym about 6:45 pm and left the gym about 8:30 pm. I took longer than usual because I was quite tired and on the verge of falling asleep. Total time spent in the gym = 1 hour and 45 mins.

My workout routine as follows:

5 mins on rowing machine @ effort level = 10
* Resulted in 41 calories burned

Flat barbell benchpress + Dumbbells chest fliers (Super-set):
1x10 @ 50kg (benchpress)
2x10 @ 11.36kg per arm, total = 22.72kg (fliers)
2x10 @ 60kg (benchpress)
2x10 @ 13.63kg per arm, total = 27.27kg (fliers)
1x10 @ 70kg (benchpress)
* I was struggling with the final set of my benchpress.

Dumbbells bicep curls + Standing dumbbell triceps extension (Super-set):
1 (2x10) @ 11.36kg per arm, total = 22.72kg (biceps)
1x10 @ 27.27kg (triceps)
2 (2x10) @ 13.63kg per arm, total = 27.27kg (biceps)
2x10 @ 29.54kg (triceps)
1 (2x10) @ 15.90kg per arm, total = 31.81kg (biceps)
1x10 @ 31.81kg (triceps)
* I was running out of energy as I was doing this super-sets.

Tricep pulldowns - fixed weight + Dumbbells shoulder fliers (Super-set):
1x10 @ 17.5kg (triceps)
2x10 @ 9.09kg per arm, total = 18.18kg (fliers)
1x10 @ 22.5kg (triceps)
2x10 @ 11.36kg per arm, total = 22.72kg (fliers)
2x10@ 25kg (triceps)
* This was a lot easier than I anticipated.

2x10 @ 40kg
1x10 @ 45kg
1x10 @ 50kg
* I was unable to do supersets with this because the squat rack was occupied.

Squat (Full):
1x10 @ 60kg
1x10 @ 70kg
2x10 @ 80kg
* Definitely not my best today, I need more time to recover from Wednesday's gym session.

30 mins on steppers with intervals
(eg. 2 mins @ effort level = 13-15 and 3 mins @ effort level = 10)
1 mins on stepper @ effort level = 7.0 (Cool-down)
* Resulted in 370 calories burned and about 185 floors climbed.

Although I may not have performed my best in this gym session, I still had a great time from doing all the above exercises. I might need to take a week off gym break. I'll probably do that early December whereby I would need to prepare to head off to Jakarta for Yoyo's and Kimberly wedding.

I am hopeful in hitting the gym on Sunday......but knowing me I rather stay at home and enjoy some me time I don't get during the weekdays.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Work Day Gym Session 04/11/2008

Work Day Gym Session 04/11/2008

It was raining today, I was going to skip gym yet again. My conscious stop me from doing so as I did not walk Little Foot on Sunday morning or evening. Since I will no longer be car pooling with my friends, from Wednesday dated 05/11/2008 onwards, I won't have those morning and evening walks to write about.

My final walks are as follows:

Monday, 03/11/2008 Medium cardio session
30 mins walked from carpark to office and back from office with 3-4kg worth of stuff
* Resulted in 210 calories burned (estimated)

Tuesday, 04/11/2008 Medium cardio session
15 mins walked from carpark to office and back from office with 2kg worth of stuff
* Resulted in 150 calories burned (estimated)

I arrived at the gym about 6:30 pm and got off about 8:00 pm. Total time spent in the gym = 1 hour 30 mins.

My workout routine for the day is as follows:

5 mins on rowing machine @ effort level = 10
* Resulted in 41 calories burned

Standing barbell bicep curls + Skullcrusher (Super-set):
1x10 @ 18.18kg (biceps)
1x10 @ 18.18kg (triceps)
2x10 @ 22.25kg (biceps)
2x10 @ 22.25kg (triceps)
1x10 @ 27.50kg (biceps)
1x10 @ 27.50kg (triceps)
*I was not in my best form for this particular super set today.

Deadlifts + Pullover (Super-Set):
1x10 @ 60kg (deadlifts)
1x10 @ 27.27kg (pullover)
2x10 @ 70kg (deadlifts)
2x10@ 29.54kg (pullover)
1x8 @ 80kg.....(failed) 1x2 @ 70kg (deadlifts)
1x10 @ 31.81kg (pullover)
* When doing the 80kg deadlifts, my form was pretty out. I will try to improve on it the next time I perform deadlifts.

Lat-pulldown - fixed weight + Legpress -fixed weight (Super-Set):
2x10 @ 45kg (lat pulldown)
1x10 @ 220kg (legpress)
1x10 @ 50kg (lat pulldown)
2x10 @ 210kg (legpress)
1x10 @ 55kg (lat pulldown)
1x10 @ 190kg (legpress)
* The number for this exercise does not seems to be too bad.

Dumbbells shrugs:
1x10 @ 18.18kg per arm, total = 36.36kg
2x10 @ 20.45kg per arm, total = 20.45kg
1x10 @ 22.72kg per arm, total = 45.45kg
* I did not do super set with this exercise because this was my first time doing it.

Pendley barbell row:
1x10 @ 32.5kg
1x10 @ 42.5kg
1x10 @ 52.5kg
1x10 @ 57.5kg
* Not doing super set for this exercise has enable me to do slightly heavier weights than usual.

30 mins on treadmill with intervals
(eg. 2 mins @ effort level = 10, final 2 minutes @ effort level =11 and 3 mins @ effort level = 8)
1 mins on treadmill @ effort level = 6.4 (Cool-down)
* Resulted in 385 calories burned and about 4.6 km sprint and jog.

I will hit the gym again on Thursday dated 06/11/2008. I would have to do squats yet again. I hope that I can break my previous personal records, that is going deep @ 90kg squat. Whilst that may not be impressive to most people, I will continue pushing for improvement nonetheless.

Check it out on Thursday to see whether I can achieve what I have set out to do. Just do it!!!