Thursday, November 20, 2008

KPMG Community Day 17/11/2008

KPMG Community Day 17/11/2008

For almost the entire, today I get to wear casual clothings to work. This is because it was a community day for my employer. This year we took some orphan who came from the orphanage located in Bangsar to the Kuala Lumpur Bird Park.

We spent the entire exploring the Bird Park with an orphan allocated to every two people from my firm. The orphan that I took care that day was Andrew, a young chinese boy. The exploring of the bird park took about 2 hours and there was a bird talent show as well.

The stats for the walk in the Bird Park:

Monday, 17/11/2008 Medium cardio session

120 mins walking with Andrew around the bird park.
* Resulted in ??? calories burned and about ??? km walked (I am just too lazy to estimate it, all I can say is that it was a good walk)

Here are some photos of the event:

1. Kuala Lumpur Bird Park
Kuala Lumpur Bird Park

2. Peacock (there was lotsa peacocks in the bird park)
Peacock in Bird Park

3. Part of Group 7, the boy in blue was the one I took care of that day
Part of group 7 and orphans

4. Another Group photo. Hmmm, I find that our uniform is strikingly bright
Group photo

5. After having lunch, we had some dance party. This was group 7's dance.
Group 7 Dance, Where is Ken?

6. Group 1 got the prize with their chicken dance and thereafter breakdance.
Group one got first prize

7. Everybody who participated in the KPMG Community Day. Ahh, the memories.
Everybody who participated, where's Ken?

We got home early for once, the ordeal lasted up to 3:30 pm. I got home about 4:30 pm. I should have hit the gym immediately but for some reasons, I was pretty tired.

I just love my new camera, all the above photos were taken with my Panasonic Lumix FX38 with the exception of the last one.

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