Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Work Day Gym Session 31/05/2011

Work Day Gym Session 31/05/2011

It has been 1 week since my last gym session. As such, I decided to hit the gym today during lunch time. I got into the gym about 12:30 pm and got off the gym about 1:40pm.

Total time spent in the gym = 1 hour 10 mins

My workout routine is as follows:

Full Barbell Squat:
2x6 @ 60kg for warm-up and cool-down
1x6 @ 90kg
1x6 @ 100kg
1x5 @ 110kg

Flat barbell benchpress:
2x10 @ 20kg for warm-up and cool-down
1x6 @ 50kg
1x6 @ 60kg
1x6 @ 70kg

Triceps pull-down - fixed weight:
2x10 @ 23kg for warm-up and cool-down
1x10 @ 35kg
1x10 @ 42kg
1x10 @ 45kg

20 mins on the treadmill @ speed = 6.0 kmph and gradient = 3.0%
1 min on the treadmill @ speed = 5.0kmph and gradient = 2.0% for cool-down
* Resulted in approximately 165 calories burned and 2.1km brisk walked.

I will have to pull more gym sessions this week as I only did one session for the whole of last week. Also, I will have to prepare myself for the incoming 10km Standard Chartered Run on 26 June 2011.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Work Day Gym Session 23/05/2011

Work Day Gym Session 23/05/2011

I got into the gym during lunch time today which was about 1:30pm. I felt that I needed some sweating. As such, I pulled a full cardiovascular session today. I got off the gym about 2:30 pm.

Total time spent in the gym = 1 hour

My workout routine is as follows:

20 mins on the treadmill @ speed = 8.0 kmph and gradient = 0%
20 mins on the treadmill @ speed = 6.0 kmph and gradient = 0%
1 mins on the treadmill @ speed = 5.0kmph and gradien = 0% for cool-down
* Resulted in 4.5km jogged and walked, around 320 calories burned.

I am going to try to pull another gym session tomorrow to compensate for Wednesday to Saturday where I'll be in Hanoi, Vietnam. I will probably do some light weight training session with a moderate cardiovascular session during lunch tomorrow.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Weekend Gym Session 22/05/2011

Weekend Gym Session 22/05/2011

I haven't done much workout lately. As such, I decided to pull a gym session on a Sunday. I got into the gym about 3:00 pm and left the gym about 4:30 pm.

Total time spent in the gym = 1 hour 30 mins.

Full Squats:
2x6 @ 60kg for warm-up and cool-down
1x6 @ 90kg
1x6 @ 95kg
1x6 @ 100kg
* I was gonna try for 110kg / 120kg. Unfortunately, I was not in my top form today.

Flat barbell benchpress:
2x10 @ 20kg for warm-up and cool-down
1x6 @ 50kg
1x6 @ 60kg
1x6 @ 70kg
*Perhaps it is time to try 80kg benchpress again in my next gym session.

Lat-pulldown - fixed weight:
1x10 @ 20kg for warm-up
1x10 @ 40kg
1x10 @ 45kg
1x10 @ 50kg
1x10 @ 25kg for cool-down

5x10 @ bodyweight = 82kg

30 mins on the treadmill @ speed = 6.0kmph and gradient = 0%
1 min on the treadmill @ speed = 5.0kmph
* Resulted in 3km walked and 170 calories burned.

I will be heading to Vietnam for another job on Wednesday next week and will return only on Saturday morning. As such, I would definitely try to pull another gym session tomorrow and perhaps Tuesday as well.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Work Day Gym Session 18/05/2011

Work Day Gym Session 18/05/2011

I had to workout during lunch time to day as I do not have much time after work these days. I got into the gym about 12:45 pm and got out of the gym by 2:00 pm.

Total time spent in the gym = 1 hour 15 mins

My workout routine:

Deadlifts (with straps):
2x6 @ 60kg for warm-up and cool-down
1x6 @ 80kg
1x6 @ 90kg
2x2 @ 100kg
1x1 @ 100kg ( failed)
* I finally broke my personal record my deadlift at 95kg. Unfortunately, my form was quite out. I will need to get a proper lifting belt soon.

Standing overhead barbell press:
2x6 @ 20kg for warm-up and cool-down
1x6 @ 40kg
1x6 @ 45kg
1x6 @ 50kg
* Not a bad lift today, I managed to do 50kg, will try 55kg soon enough.

Plate raise:
2x10 @ 5kg for warm-up and cool-down
2x10 @ 10kg
1x10 @ 15kg

10 mins on the treadmill @ speed = 8.0 kmph and gradient = 0%
10 mins on the treadmill @ speed = 6.0 kmph and gradient = 0%
1 mins on the treadmill @ speed = 5.0kmph and gradien = 0% for cool-down
* Resulted in 2.2km jogged and walked, around 210 calories burned.

I am quite happy with today's gym session as I was able to finally break my personal record in deadlifting. I am looking forward to my next session where I'll try to squat 120kg.

Annual Leave Non Gym Session 16/05/2011

Annual Leave Non Gym Session 16/05/2011

Yet again I woke up late. As such, I brought Little Foot for a jog in the park about 5pm prior to the heavy downpour thereafter.

The entire ordeal took about 30 mins. The stats of the said jog is as follows:

Monday, 16/05/2011, medium cardio session (evening)
30 mins walking and jogging with Little Foot around the park for 6 times
* Resulted in 180 calories burned and about 3.6km jogged (estimated)

After walking Little Foot, I decided to do some cycling on my exercise bike at home. This ordeal took about 35 minutes. I was quite tired after this exercise. The stats of the said exercise is as follows:

Monday, 16/05/2011, medium cardio session (evening)
35 mins on the exercise bike at level = 3 out of 10
* Resulted in 258 calories burned and about 11km cycled.

I felt quite satisfied with today's session as I have done quite sufficient exercise compared to my last session.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Weekend Non Gym Session 14/05/2011

Weekend Non Gym Session 14/05/2011

I woke up late today. As such, I brought Little Foot for a jog in the park about 6pm.

The entire ordeal took about 45 mins. The stats of the said walk is as follows:

Saturday, 14/05/2011, medium cardio session (morning)
45 mins walking and jogging with Little Foot around the park for 8 times
* Resulted in 180 calories burned and about 4.8km walked (estimated)

I haven't pull a gym session quite awhile and would definitely try to do one within next week.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Work Day Gym Session 10/05/2011

Work Day Gym Session 10/05/2011

I got into the gym during lunch time today which was about 12pm. I felt that I needed some sweating. As such, I pulled a full cardiovascular session today. I got off the gym about 1:00 pm.

Total time spent in the gym = 1 hour

My workout routine is as follows:

35 mins on the treadmill @ speed = 8.0 kmph and gradient = 0%
5 mins on the treadmill @ speed = 6.0 kmph and gradient = 0%
1 mins on the treadmill @ speed = 5.0kmph and gradien = 0% for cool-down
* Resulted in 4.9km jogged and walked, around 480 calories burned.

I am looking forward to my next gym session as I would really want to try out the new straps I bought for dead-lifting and barbell rows.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Weekend Gym Session 07/05/2011

Weekend Gym Session 07/05/2011

I felt awesome today, I went out for the weekly Insert Coin MY gathering and had a few rounds of Super Street Fighter 4 on the PS3. I was supposed to go to the gym last night after work but instead, I went drinking with some friends.

As such, I had to go to a different gym which is closed to my home. I got to the gym about 4pm and got out of the gym at 5:40pm.

Total time spent in the gym = 1 hour 40 mins

My workout routine:

2x6 @ 60kg for warm-up and cool-down
1x6 @ 80kg
1x6 @ 90kg
1x6 @ 95kg

Flat Barbell Benchpress:
2x10 @ 20kg for warm-up and cool-down
1x6 @ 50kg
1x6 @ 60kg
1x6 @ 70kg

Lat pull-down - fixed weight:
2x10 @ 25 kg for warm-up and cool-down
1x10 @ 30kg
1x10 @ 40kg
1x10 @ 50kg

Triceps pull-down - fixed weight:
2x10 @ 15kg for warm-up and cool-down
1x10 @ 25kg
1x10 @ 30kg
1x10 @ 35kg

40 mins on exercise bike maintaining speed at 70rpm
*Resulted in 25km cycled and 220 calories burned (estimated)

I need to recover by tomorrow as I will need to pull another gym session tomorrow as well. Preferably my next gym session would be focused on light weights and some long distance jogging.

Annual Leave Day Non-Gym Session 03/05/2011

Annual Leave Day Non-Gym Session 03/05/2011

I woke up pretty late today, about 10 am. As such, an early jog session would be impossible today. Due to the fact that I haven't done much exercise lately, I decided that I have to do some jogs today no matter what.

I got to the park about 6pm and completed my jogging session in 40 minutes.

The stats of the said jog is as follows:

Tuesday, 03/05/2011, medium cardio session (morning)
40 mins walking and jogging around the park for 8 times
* Resulted in 180 calories burned and about 4.8km walked (estimated)

No matter, I am planning to hit the gym at least twice for this week although I am only working for 3 days. Also, I am going to join the Standard Chartered Marathon this year.