Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Study leave workout


Study leave gym day.

Went to gym @ 11:30am, came home @ 2:30 pm.

5 mins on exercise bike @ effort level 10

Dumbbell benchpress
1x10 60lbs each arm = 120lbs
1x10 65lbs each arm = 130lbs
2x10 70lbs each arm = 140lbs

Dumbbells bicep curls
1x10 30lbs each arm
1x10 35lbs each arm
2x10 40lbs each arm

Dumbbell tricep curls (over the head)
1x10 60lbs both arms
1x10 65lbs both arms
2x10 70lbs both arms

Squats (feeling great today, here it goes)
1x10 60kgs
2x10 80kgs
1x10 90kgs

4x30 ab crunches

Dumbbell fliers
2x10 30lbs each arm
2x10 35lbs each arm

Dumbbell shoulder press
2x10 35lbs each arm = 70lbs
2x10 40lbs each arm = 80lbs

30 mins threadmill @ 9.6 kmph
30 mins strider @ effort level = 25 (ie. max effort level)

Light stretches for 15 mins

2x10 weight, each arm = total weight

2 = sets
10 = reps