Thursday, October 27, 2011

Work Day Gym Session 27/10/2011

Work Day Gym Session 27/10/2011

I got into the gym about 12:30 pm and got off the gym about 2:10 pm.

Total time spent in the gym = 1 hour 40 minutes

My workout routine is as follows:

Pendlay rows:
2x10 @ 20kg for warm-up and cool-down
1x10 @ 40kg
1x10 @ 50kg
1x10 @ 60kg
*I haven't done this for awhile, seems ok for today.

Barbell squat:
2x10 @ 20kg for warm-up and cool-down
1x20 @ 80kg
*Doing this for the sole purpose of completing a quest in fitocracy

*Doing this for the sole purpose of completing a quest in fitocracy

Standing barbell bicep curls:
2x10 @ 12.5kg for warm-up and cool-down
1x10 @ 22.5kg
1x10 @ 32.5kg
1x10 @ 37.5kg

Dumbbell standing calves raise:
2x10 @ body weight for warm-up and cool-down
1x10 @ body weight + 14kg dumbbell
1x10 @ body weight + 19kg dumbbell
1x12 @ body weight + 22kg dumbbell

45 mins on the exercise bike @ effort level = 2
1 min on the exercise bike @ effort level = 1 for cool-down
* Resulted in approximately 285 calories burned and 18km cycled.

I was almost late for my conference call. I should pay more attention in planning my gym session during lunch time.

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