Sunday, June 8, 2008

Weekend Full Blast Gym session 08/06/2008

Weekend Full Blast Gym session 08/06/2008

The last gym session was on Monday, I had to do another gym session just to fulfill my usual 2 times per week gym sessions requirement. Fortunately, the Damansara Uptown Gym was literally empty today saved for a few people working out. I arrived in the gym at 1:15 pm and left the gym about 3:30 pm. Total time spent in gym = 2 hours and 15 mins.

My workout routine are as follows:

5 mins on rowing machine @ effort level = 10
* Resulted in 45 calories burned.

Barbell Benchpress:
2x10 @ 60kg
1x10 @ 70kg
1x9 @ 80kg
* I was able to do the 80kg thanks to a nice chap who did some spotting for me.

Dumbbell biceps curls + Triceps extension (superset):
2 (2x10) @ 13.63kg per arm, total= 27.27kg (biceps)
3x10 @ 29.54kg (triceps)
2 (2x10) @ 15.09kg per arm, total= 31.81kg (biceps)
1x10 @ 31.81kg (triceps)
* Seems like a nice break from the usual and it does save quite a lot of time being able to do 2 exercise per set.

Barbell row:
1x10 @ 42.5kg
2x10 @ 52.5kg
1x10 @ 62.5kg

Legpress machine:
1x10 @ 150kg
1x10 @ 180kg
1x10 @ 120kg
1x12 @ 160kg

Barbell shoulder press:
2x10 @ 42.5kg
2x10 @ 52.5kg

Dumbbells shoulder fliers:
1 (2x10) @ 4.54 kg per arm, total= 9.08kg
1 (2x10) @ 6.81 kg per arm, total= 13.62kg
2 (2x10) @ 9.09kg per arm, total = 18.18kg

30 mins on the stepper @ effort level = 10
1 min on the stepper @ effort level = 5
* Resulted in 191 floors climbed and 360 calories burned.

30 mins on the crosstrainer @ effort level = 8
1 min on the crosstrainer @ effort level = 4
* Resulted in 1.2 km walked and 250 calories burned.

Total calories burned for the session = 655 calories

I am currently really tired from this workout, I have taken two scoops of whey protein and a small amount of creatine immediately after workout. I reckon I would take another whey protein shake before I sleep. I hope I am able to do my next session on Tuesday or Wednesday latest.


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