Sunday, January 18, 2009

Weekend Non Gym Session 18/01/2009

Weekend Non Gym Session 18/01/2009

I woke up about 9:10 am this morning, I had two bananas and a cup of water for breakfast. I was pretty exhausted from the gym session yesterday. However, I was still able to walk my dog around the park for 4 times within 30 minutes.

The stats of the walks is as follows:

Sunday, 18/01/2009 Medium cardio session
25 mins walking Little Foot around the park 4 times
* Resulted in 170 calories burned and about 2.4 km walked(estimated)

Last Friday which was dated 09/01/2009, we celebrated both Meng Wai's and Jo Yi's birthday in the Old Town Coffeeshop located at Jaya One area. Me and Yee Jin proceed to buy their birthday cake before heading there. There were quite a number of people who attended this event.

Here are some photos of us celebrating Meng Wai's and Jo Yi's birthday respectively:
1. Yee Jin and Meng Wai looking at something interesting?

2. Our birthday boy, Meng Wai
Meng Wai into deep thinking

3. Emily eating and Jo Yi looking surprised......

4. Jo Yi, Desmond and Emily

5. Kent Ting and Don Chew

6. Jia Huey and Emily having a serious discussion

7. Chocolate and Banana cake

8. Jo Yi and Meng Wai enjoying our company

9. Jo Yi and Meng Wai making their wishes respectively

10. Jo Yi and Meng Wai cutting their cake

11. The gang who celebrate their birthday

12. Most of the gang after eating the lovely cakes.

I was not in any of the photos because I forgot to ask someone to take our photos during that time. I should remember to do so for our next outing.

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