Saturday, July 17, 2010

Work Day Gym Session 16/07/2010

Work Day Gym Session 16/07/2010

I was unable to do a full-blown weights and cardiovascular session due to the fact I am just recovering from flu. I got off work on time around 6:00 pm. Subsequently, I got into the gym around 6:15pm and got off the gym around 7:30 pm.

Total time spent in gym = 1 hour 15 mins

30 mins on the treadmill @ speed = 8.5kmph and gradient = 0
30 mins on the treadmill @ speed = 8.0kmph and gradient = 0
5 mins on the treadmill @ speed = 6.0kmph and gradient = 0 for cool-down
* Resulted in 8.90km jogged and around 780 calories burned.

I planned to hit the gym again this weekend for both weights training and cardiovascular sessions. It's good to be back doing weights again, I am truly excited to test my strength all over again.


Unknown said...

i don't think so that there is any difference between day and night gym... but the mentality and daily jobs dose matters..!!! Gym

Ken Chong said...

Yeah, just do what we can with the time given.

Work hard, workout harder.