Friday, January 18, 2008

Work day training 17/01/2008

Work day training 17/01/2008

It was just another busy day at work. I arrived at the gym about 6:45 pm and left at 9:30 pm sharp. Total time spent in gym = 2 hours 45 mins.

My workout routine for this session is as follows:

5 mins on exercise bike @ effort level = 12

Barbell benchpress:
1x10 60kg
1x10 70kg
1x10 80kg
1x9 80kg

Dumbbell pullover:
1x10 60lbs
1x10 65lbs
2x10 70lbs

Dumbbell bicep curls:
2x10 35lbs per arm, total = 70lbs
2x10 40lbs per arm, total = 80lbs

1x10 70kg
2x10 90kg
1x10 100kg
* I felt alright today albeit I was a bit weaker than usual. However, I managed to do a single set of 100kg which was quite decent.


Lateral row:
1x10 50kg
2x10 70kg
1x10 80kg

Standing barbell military press:
2x10 50lbs
1x10 40lbs
1x10 45lbs
*After majority of the exercise above I felt so tired that I was not able to push anywhere close to my usual maximum weight which would be around 60-70lbs.

30 mins on treadmill @ 9.6 kmph
1 min on treadmill @ 4.8kmph (cool down)
*Nearly flinch for this exercise as I was running out of breath. Especially when my heart rate was about 170-171.

30 mins on strider @ effort level = 25
1 min on strider @ effort level = 12 (cool down)

Minor light stretches.

That's all for today. I am off to Jakarta on Friday and will be back on Monday morning, hopefully my next session would be on Monday afternoon or evening if time permits.

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