Friday, January 4, 2008

Work day training 04/01/2008

Work day training 04/01/2008

I have just slightly recovered from a cold I had just before New Years eve. I've obtained a medical leave on Thursday to rest. I was back at work on Friday, just a two working days week. However, I didn't feel I had too many holidays though, spend quite a while just to get well.

Got into gym at 6:30 pm, got off gym at 9:45 pm, total amount of time spent = 3 hours 15 mins.

The following is my routine of the day:

5 mins on exercise bike @ effort level =12

Barbell shoulder press:
1x10 32.5kg
1x10 42.5kg
2x10 47.5kg

Barbell bicep curls:
2x10 22.5kg
2x10 27.5kg

Barbell tricep curls:
2x10 27.5kg
2x10 32.5kg

1x10 70kg
2x10 90kg
1x10 100kg
* I finally made it to the 100kg squats, another 20kg would make my reach my this year goal. Way to go mate.


Dumbbell benchpress
1x10 60lbs per arm, total = 120 lbs
1x10 65lbs per arm, total = 130lbs
2x10 70lbs per arm, total = 140lbs

Dumbbell Row:
4x10 40lbs per arm, total = 80lbs

Chest dumbbell flyiers:
2x10 25lbs per arm, total = 50lbs
2x10 30lbs per arm, total = 60lbs

30 mins on treadmill @ 9.6 kmph

30 mins on strider @ effort level=25

Light stretches

Hopefully, I would be able to fully recover by Sunday, as I would really like to work out on that day itself.

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