Work Day (Easy) Gym Session 26/03/2008Today's weather was really making me sleepy, I was so going to skip gym. When I step outside of the office it started to rain a little, I was without an umbrella. Therefore, on that spot I started my very first cardiovascular exercise, running all the way to the gym with a huge bag pack, another small bag and my shoe bag. I got into the gym at 6:50 pm and left the gym at 9:00 pm sharp again.
Total time spent in the gym = 2 hours and 10 mins
Unlike Monday, there weren't that many people (including pretty ladies) today. I guess the Hump Day symptom has got into many people, almost myself as well.
My workout routine are as follows:
5 mins on rowing machine @ effort level = 10
* Can't remember how many calories I burned because I took a few power naps.Tricep overhead extension:
1x15 27.27kg
1x15 29.54kg
1x15 34.09kg
Dumbbells shrugs:
2x10 25kg per arm, total = 50kg
1x10 27.27kg per arm, total = 54.54kg
Dumbbells Chest Fliers:
3x15 15.09kg per arm, total = 30.18kg
Dumbbell one arm rows:
3(2x15) 22.27 per arm, total = 44.54kg
Dumbbell Bicep Curls:
2(2x15) 15.09kg per arm, total = 30.18kg
1(1x15) 18.18kg per arm, total = 36.36kg
Pendley rows:
1x15 32.5kg
1x15 42.5kg
1x15 52.5kg
Standing Barbell Bicep Curls:
1x15 22.5kg
1x15 27.5kg
1x15 32.5kg
30 mins on the stepper @ effort level = 13
1 min on stepper @ effort level = 10
* Resulted in 360 calories burned and 190 floors climbed30 mins on treadmill @ 7.0 kmph with gradient = 5.0%
1 min on treadmill @ 5.5 kmph with gradient = 2.5%
* Resulted in 280 calories burned and 3.3 km walked / lightly jog.Total calories burned in both these exercises = 640 calories (hmmm, seems kinda low)All in all, a very easy gym today as there were not any compound exercises. I still feel quite alright when I got home. I would most likely be going to gym on Friday for a super heavy cardiovascular session. Target calories to burned = 1,200 calories
Deadline for body fat % test in gym = late April, will set a date as the time draw closer.
Wish me luck guys, cheers.