Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Work Day Gym Session 04/03/2008

Work Day Gym Session 04/03/2008
I had to work quite intensively at work today. Fortunately, I managed to get off work at 6:00 pm, arrived in the gym at 6:15 pm. Finished gym at the usual 9:00 pm. Total time spent in gym = 2 hours 45 minutes. Relatively shorter as I was doing 3x15 reps for most weight exercises except for a few.

My workout routines are as follows:

5 mins on rowing machine @ effort level =10

Inclined benchpress:
1x1 1x2 1x3 1x4 1x5 1x6 @ 40kg
1x1 1x2 1x3 1x4 1x5 1x6 @ 50kg
1x1 1x2 1x3 1x4 1x5 1x6 @ 60kg
* Rest 3-6 seconds in between each mini sets

Shoulder press + squats:
1x12 30lbs per arm, total = 60lbs
1x14 25lbs per arm, total = 50lbs
1x14 20lbs per arm, total = 40lbs

1x15 70kg
1x12 100kg
1x12 100kg

Standing barbell bicep curls:
1x15 40lbs
2x15 50lbs

Lateral Row:
1x15 20kg per arm, total =40kg
2x15 30kg per arm, total =60kg

Pendley rows:
1x15 32.5kg
1x15 42.5kg
1x15 52.5kg

Flat benchpress:
1x8 50kg
*Too tired to do this so couldn’t be bother, just did one set and off to the next exercise.

Alternate hammer curls:
1x15 20lbs per arm, total = 40lbs
2x15 25lbs per arm, total = 50lbs

30 minutes stepper @ effort level = 12
1 minute stepper @ effort level = 10
* Resulted in 178 floors climbed and 404 calories burned.

30 minutes treadmill @ speed = 6.5 to 7.0, gradient = 4% to 5%
1 minute treadmill @ speed 6.5, gradient = 0%
* Resulted in 3.3 km walked with 230 calories burned.

I will be doing another gym session on Thursday. I was unable to do the next gym session on Friday as I was struck down by my own high blood pressure / hypertension previously (I think). The doctor did say I had a borderline case of high blood pressure / hypertension case. We’ll see on Friday where I would probably do my 1 hour 50 minutes cardiovascular session again.
