Thursday, February 28, 2008

Work day gym session 28/02/2008

Work day gym session 28/02/2008

Today was just another day at the office, I got off work at 6:30pm, arrived at gym at 6:40 pm approximately and left at 9:00 pm sharp. Total time spent in gym = 2 hours and 20 mins

I would say that all the exercises I did today are of cardiovascular exercise. 1 hour 50 minutes plus of cardiovascular exercise. Super Cardiovascular exercise entry, anyway the exercises I did are as follows:

20 mins rowing @ effort level = 10 (max effort)

30 mins stepper @ effort level = 12
1 min stepper @ effort level = 10

31 mins crosstrainer @ effort level = 10

30 mins strider @ effort level = 25
1 min strider @ effort level = 12

Light stretches for 10 minutes

In my opinion, I would be able to burn high amount of calories with such many and long cardio session. Given that it isn't as taxing as weight lifting, I might do something of similar on Sunday. I hope I will be able to go to gym tomorrow as well though.


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