Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Work Day Gym Session 28/04/2009

Work Day Gym Session 28/04/2009

I woke up early enough this morning (ie. 7:00 am) to walk my dog around the park for once.

Here is the stats for the walk:

Tuesday, 28/04/2009, Morning cardio session
10 mins walking Little Foot around the part for 2 times
* Resulted in 80 calories burned and about 1.2km walked(estimated)

After work today, I did a gym session which I am quite proud to record as I have been able to push myself more than usual. I got into the gym at 6:30 pm and got off the gym at 8:30. Total time spent in the gym = 2 hours.

My workout routine is as follows:

5 mins on inclined strider @ effort level = 10
* Resulted in 61 calories burned

Dumbbells flat benchpress:
1x10 @ 13.63kg per arm, total = 27.27kg for warm-up
1x10 @ 25kg per arm, total = 50kg
1x10 @ 27.27kg per arm, total = 54.54kg
1x10 @ 31.81kg per arm, total = 63.63kg
1x10 @ 17.05kg per arm, total = 34.10kg for cool-down

Dumbbells chest fliers:
1x10 @ 10.22kg per arm, total = 20.45kg for warm-up
2x10 @ 12.5kg per arm, total = 25kg
1x10 @ 14.77kg per arm, total = 29.54kg
1x10 @ 17.05kg per arm, total = 34.10kg

Inclined benchpress:
1x10 @ 20kg for warm-up
2x10 @ 50kg
1x10 @ 45kg
1x12 @ 20kg for cool-down

Cable chest fliers - fixed weight:
1x10 @ 7.5kg per arm, total = 15kg for warm-up
2x10 @ 10kg per arm, total = 20kg
2x10 @ 12.5kg per arm, total = 25kg

1x10 @ 18.18kg for warm-up
1x10 @ 22.72kg
1x10 @ 27.27kg
1x10 @ 29.54kg
1x10 @ 31.81kg

Pulley - fixed weight:
1x10 @ 20kg for warm-up
1x10 @ 25kg
2x10 @ 30kg
1x10 @ 35kg

35 mins on crosstrainer @ resistance level = 10
* Resulted in 470 calories burned and 2.8 km brisk walked.

Today was a pretty good day for my exercises, not only I walked my dog in the morning but I managed to pull off a gym session on the same day. I am hoping to pull another gym session tomorrow which probably will be heavily concerntrated on cardiovascular exercises.

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