Saturday, April 25, 2009

Work Day Gym Session and Weekend Non Gym Session 24/04/2009 to 25/04/2009

Work Day Gym Session and Weekend Non Gym Session 24/04/2009 to 25/04/2009

On Friday, I was so eager to skip gym after work as I was finding the slightest of excuse not to hit the gym. After making a call to my friend who was fortunately busy, I felt that I would be better of hitting the gym and trying to burn off the junk I have been eating since my parents were away.

Work Day Gym Session 24/04/2009
My workout routine is as follows:

Body dips:
5x15 @ body weight (ie. 82kg)

Front squat (full):
4x15 @ body weight (ie. 82kg)

50 mins on inclined strider@ resistance level = 10
* Resulted in 550 calories burned and 4.5 km stride.

On Saturday early morning, I was awoken by Little Foot's barking. His barking usually signifies that he would like to go for a walk in the playground outside my house. I have no choice but to bring him for walks so that I won't have to hear his barking for the whole day.

Here are the stats of the walk:

Saturday, 25/04/2009, Morning cardio session
45 mins walking Little Foot around the part for 6 times
* Resulted in 350 calories burned and about 3.6km walked(estimated)

I walked him slightly more than usual this morning, yet he still seems to be quite energetic. Meanwhile, I felt like I was so tired and exhausted from the 2 concurrent gym session that I have pull on both Thursday and Friday.

I will try to hit the gym again tomorrow during the evening. I hope that I will be able to recover fully from the previous two sessions.

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