Thursday, May 7, 2009

Work Day Gym Session 07/05/2009

Work Day Gym Session 07/05/2009

I got into the gym at 7:15 pm and got off about 9:00 pm, total time spent in the gym = 1 hour 45 mins.

My workout routine as follows:

5 mins on inclined strider @ effort level = 10
* Resulted in 51 calories burned

Smith Machine Squat (full):
1x10 @ 35kg for warm-up
1x10 @ 75kg
1x10 @ 85kg
1x10 @ 95kg
1x10 @ 55kg for cool-down
* 50 repetitions of squats has totally run me down to the ringer.

Dumbbells shoulder fliers:
2x10 @ 10.22kg per arm, total = 20.44kg for warm-up and cool-down
1x10 @ 11.36kg per arm, total = 22.72kg
2x10 @ 12.5kg per arm, total = 25kg
* I was pretty much wasted from doing the squats earlier.

Pulley - fixed weight:
2x10 @ 16kg for warm-up and cool-down
1x10 @ 20kg
1x10 @ 25kg
1x10 @ 30kg

Barbell shoulder press:
1x10 @ 20kg for warm-up
1x10 @ 30kg
1x10 @ 40kg
1x10 @ 45kg
1x10 @ 50kg
1x12 @ 20kg for cool-down
* I accidentally did more than I would have done, one more set extra.

4x15 @ body weight = 82kg

Dumbbells shoulder press:
2x10 @ 10.22kg per arm, total = 20.44kg for warm-up and cool-down
1x10 @ 15.90kg per arm, total = 31.80kg
1x10 @ 19.32kg per arm, total = 38.63kg
1x10 @ 21.59kg per arm, total = 43.18kg

35 mins on crosstrainer @ resistance level = 10
* Resulted in 425 calories burned and 2.3 km brisk walked.

I will try to pull another gym session tomorrow as I am still feeling significantly fatter than usual. I am also currently looking at the circuit training regime which I may switch to if I find it more suitable for my current situation.

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