Friday, December 28, 2007

Work day training 28/12/2007

Work day training 28/12/2007

Today was after my one week hiatus from gym, I have return with a vengeance. Got into gym at 6:00pm today and got off at 8:45 pm. Total time = 2 hours 45 mins .

I need to increase intensity for my weights training, I was thinking of buying a treadmill so that I can jog every morning for 30 mins of everyday. Apparently a good treadmill cost up to RM4k to RM5k (way out of my budget).

Should I start what I used to do, increase extra time in gym.?It's already hard enough to work out 5-8 hours per week.

Anyway, the following is my exercise routine for the day:

5 mins on exercise bike @ effort level 12

Barbell Benchpress:
1x10 60kg
1x10 70kg
1x9 80kg
1x8 80kg

Dumbbell pullover:
1x10 65lbs
1x10 70lbs
2x10 75lbs

Inclined legpress:
1x10 150kg
1x10 200kg
1x10 210kg
1x10 220kg

Dumbbell bicep curls:
2x10 35lbs
2x10 40lbs


Dumbbell tricep curls:
2x10 65lbs
2x10 55lbs

Lateral row:
1x10 60kg
1x10 70kg
2x10 80kg

30 mins on treadmill @ 9.6 kmph

30 mins on strider @ effort level = 25

As a conclusion the one week rest got me back on track. Now I am ready for more.

"Time to kick ass and chew bubble gum" quoted from Duke Nukem 3D.

PS. Please note that 1 kg approximately = 2.2lbs, I may have mistakenly calculated some of my exercises. Do point if you do see any, thanks in advance.

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