Thursday, April 22, 2010

Work Day Gym Session 20/04/2010

Work Day Gym Session 20/04/2010

I got into the gym fairly late today around 7:15pm as I had to get off work later than usual. Due to the fact that it was quite late, I decided to just pull a full cardiovascular session for an hour instead of some weights with cardiovascular session. I got off the gym around 8:30 pm upon finishing my full cardiovascular session.

Total time spent in the gym 1 hour and 15 mins.

My workout routine is as follows:

60 mins on the treadmill @ speed = 8.0kmph and gradient = 0
5 mins on the treadmill @ speed = 5.2 to 7.2kmph and gradient = 0 for cool-down
* Resulted in 8.59km jogged and around 766 calories burned.

I hope to pull another gym session either on Thursday or on Friday as I do not wish to workout this weekend, I need this well deserved time off from work and gym.

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