Sunday, March 6, 2011

Weekend Non Gym Session 06/03/2011

Weekend Non Gym Session 06/03/2011

I woke up fairly early today around 8:30 am after being disturb by my dog, Little Foot. I had a late night before watching the Big Bang Theory and playing some PC Games.

I didn't not have the time to bring him out in the morning as I was working on my assignments. I was available to bring him out for a walk prior to having my dinner. As such, I had a jog with him at about 6:30 pm today.

Here are the stats of the jog:

Sunday, 06/03/2011, heavy cardio session (evening)
60 mins walking and jogging with Little Foot around the park for 9 times
* Resulted in 300 calories burned and about 5.4km walked and jogged(estimated)

I will not be going to Vietnam for awhile as I need to be back in Malaysia to concentrate on my existing workload. However, I am quite eager to pull a gym session tomorrow. It has been awhile since I did any compound exercises.

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