Friday, April 15, 2011

Work Day Gym Session 15/04/2011

Work Day Gym Session 15/04/2011

I got off work about 6:30pm today, this is considered quite early compared to March 2011. I got into the gym about 6:45 pm and got out of the gym around 8:30pm.

Total time spent in the gym = 1 hour 15 mins

My workout routine is as follows:

Overhead shoulder press:
2x10 @ 20kg for warm-up and cool-down
1x5 @ 40kg
1x5 @ 45kg
1x5 @ 50kg
*Actually, I was not in the mood for weights as I was too tired.

2x5 @ 60kg for warm-up and cool-down
1x5 @ 80kg
1x5 @ 90kg
1x5 @ 100kg
*I was quite happy with this as I was able to pull of a 100kg squat.

Barbell row:
2x10 @ 20kg for warm-up and cool-down
1x10 @ 40kg
1x10 @ 45kg
1x10 @ 50kg

Lat pull-down - fixed weight:
2x10 @ 25 kg for warm-up and cool-down
1x10 @ 30kg
1x10 @ 40kg
1x10 @ 50kg

30 mins on exercise bike @ level = 10 out of 20 and maintaining speed at 70-80 rpm
1 min on exercise bike @ level = 1 out of 20 for cool-down
* Resulted in 20km cycled, around 178calories burned.

I am glad that I was able to pull a gym session off today. I look forward in doing some light exercises during the weekend, namely walking / jogging with my dog, Little Foot.

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