Saturday, May 3, 2008

Work Day (Final, Short) Gym Session 03/05/2008

Work Day (Final, Short) Gym Session 03/05/2008

Today was the final day at my old office, I arrived at the old office at 9:00 am to move and to coordinate the moving of the remaining boxes and furnitures. This ordeal started from 9:15 am to 11:15 am. I spent 2 hours moving boxes ranging from 20kg to 30kg and furniture ranging from 10kg to 30kg as well.

The stats for the move are as follows:

2 hours of moving boxes and furniture weigh ranging from 10kg to 30kg.
* Resulted in calories burned = ???? calories and a very tired and sleep deprived me.

Soon after the move at circa 11:30 am, I walked to the Manulife Fitness First gym for the last time. I handed a thank you letter to Sim (Manager) for his help in many of my exercises. I did my final and shorter version of gym with only one 30 mins cardiovascular exercise. I got out of gym at about 1:30 pm, total time spent in gym = 2 hours

My exercises routine as follows:
5 mins on rowing machine @ effort level = 10

Lat Pulldown (fixed weight):
1x10 @ 50kg
1x9 @ 60kg
1x8 @ 60kg
1x10 @ 55kg

Dumbbell Tricep Overhead Extension (seated):
2x10 @ 29.54kg
1x10 @ 31.81kg
1x10 @ 36.36kg

Iso-Lateral Row:
1 (2x10) @ 25kg per arm, total = 50kg
1 (2x10) @ 35kg per arm, total = 70kg
1 (2x10) @ 40kg per arm, total = 80kg
1 (2x10) @ 45kg per arm, total = 90kg (PR)

Standing Barbell Military Press:
2x10 @ 32.5kg
2x10 @ 42.5kg
* Frankly I was too tired to this exercises, I was going to just finished the 4th exercise and just go for a light cardio session.

Dumbbells Shoulder Fliers:
3x10 @ per arm = 9.09kg, total = 18.18kg
1x10 @ per arm = 13.36kg, total = 26.72kg

Alternate Dumbbells Hammer Curls:
1 (2x10) @ 9.00kg per arm, total = 18.00kg
1 (2x10) @ 11.36kg per arm, total = 22.72kg
1 (2x10) @ 13.63kg per arm, total = 27.27kg
1 (2x10) @ 15.90kg per arm, total = 31.80kg

30 mins on treadmill @ 7.0kmph and gradient = 5%
1 min on treadmill @ 6.0kmph and gradient = 5%
* Resulted in 290 calories burned and 3.5 km walked.

Anyway, the gym was quite empty but less so compared to 1st May in Uptown's Fitness First. I still wonder about how many calories I managed to burn during the move. At least, I was able to do 2 gym sessions this week irregardless. It is time for me to relax, I probably go watch some movies and shows to tune off.


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