Saturday, May 10, 2008

Weekend (Light Cardio Session) 10/05/2008

Weekend (Light Cardio Session) 10/05/2008

Late evening today, I walked my dog in the playground. There seems to be a lot on mine in regards to my fitness level, work and friends. My fitness level have been going up and down (the down is really getting to me). My job is getting complicated by the day as I was handling quite a number of clients. A few of my good friends have migrated to Dubai and most likely won't come back to Malaysia for good. I have left the Manulife Fitness First gym and find it difficult to keep in touch with my old gym buddies as well.

I believe I need sometime to clear my mind therefore I am going to walked my dog more often.

Anyway the stats for my light cardiovascular session for the day as follows:

30 mins walking the dog
* Resulted in = ???? calories burned and about 1.3 km walked.

**Please note that tomorrow is Mother's Day, don't forget to wish someone that alright?

Below is a photo of my recently purchase air filter:

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