Monday, March 8, 2010

Work Day Gym Session 08/03/2010

Work Day Gym Session 08/03/2010

I got off work more or less on time today around 6:15 pm. I had the Monday blues and was looking forward to skip my gym session.

I got into the gym around 6:45pm and got off around 8:00pm. Total time spent in gym = 1 hour 45 mins.

My workout routine as follows:

Dumbbell overhead extension:
2x10 @ 21.59kg for warm-up and cool-down
1x10 @ 25kg
1x10 @ 27.27kg
1x10 @ 29.54kg

Barbell bicep curls:
2x10 @ 15kg for warm-up and cool-down
1x10 @ 20kg
2x10 @ 25kg

2x10 @ 15kg for warm-up and cool-down
1x10 @ 25kg
2x10 @ 30kg

Narrow grip pulley - fixed weight:
2x10 @ 26kg for warm-up and cool-down
1x10 @ 33kg
1x10 @ 40kg
1x10 @ 47kg

Tricep pulldown - fixed weight:
2x10 @ 15kg for warm-up and cool-down
2x10 @ 20kg
1x10 @ 25kg

Dumbbell bicep curls:
2 (2x10) @ 7.95kg per arm, total = 15.09kg for warm-up and cool-down
1 (2x10) @ 10.22kg per arm, total = 20.44kg
2 (2x10) @ 12.5kg per arm, total = 25kg

30 mins on the treadmill @ speed = 8.0kmph and gradient = 0
5 mins on the treadmill @ speed = 4.0 to 7.2kmph and gradient = 0 for cool-down
* Resulted in 4.40km jogged / brisk walked and around 395 calories burned.

I was quite happy with the fact that I managed to jog for another 30 minutes after my exhausting weight session which was heavily focused on biceps and triceps. I am looking forward to my next gym session soon to do those heavy lifts that I haven't been doing for the past 2 months.

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