Friday, March 12, 2010

Work Day Gym Session 12/03/2010

Work Day Gym Session 12/03/2010

I got off work around 6:30pm and got into the gym around 6:45 pm. Fortunately, the gym was quite empty today and there were plenty of unoccupied equipments. As such, I decided to go nuts on my weight training and cardiovascular training today.

I got out of the gym around 8:30 pm, total time spent in the gym = 1 hour 45 mins.

My workout routine as follows:

Barbell row:
2x10 @ 20kg for warm-up and cool-down
1x10 @ 30kg
2x10 @ 40kg

Lat pull-down - fixed weight:
2x10 @ 26kg for warm-up and cool-down
1x10 @ 33kg
1x10 @ 40kg
1x10 @ 47kg

2x6 @ 40kg for warm-up and cool-down
2x6 @ 60kg
1x6 @ 75kg

One arm dumbbell row:
2 (2x10) @ 11.36kg per arm, total = 22.73kg for warm-up and cool-down
1 (2x10) @ 15.90kg per arm, total = 31.81kg
2 (2x10) @ 20.45kg per arm, total = 40.90kg

Plate raise:
2x10 @ 5kg for warm-up and cool-down
2x10 @ 10kg
1x10 @ 15kg

10 mins on the treadmill @ speed = 8.5kmph and gradient = 0
40 mins on the treadmill @ speed = 8.0kmph and gradient = 0
10 mins on the treadmill @ speed = 6.0kmph and gradient = 0 for cool-down
* Resulted in 7.45km jogged / brisk walked and around 665 calories burned.

I reckon I may have gone overboard with tonight's training as I was trying to avoid the traffic jam from going home. Unfortunately, I was unable to avoid the traffic jam, it took me about 30 minutes to get home from my office. Considering that it's less than 10 mins days when it is quieter.

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