Thursday, April 24, 2008

Work Day (Stressed Out) Gym Session 24/04/2008

Work Day (Stressed Out) Gym Session 24/04/2008

Today I was quite stressed from work, too much stuff to do and yet so little time. Anyway I got into the gym about 6:30 pm and got off at 9:00 pm. Total time spent in gym = 2 hours 30 mins.

I believe that being stress from work has affected my ability to lift today significantly.

Anyway today's workout routines as follows:

5 mins on rowing machine @ effort level = 10

2x15 @ 70kg
1x5 @ 100kg
1x10 @ 90kg
* Damn, I feel like breaking into pieces man.

Dumbbell bicep curls:
2 (2x15) @ 16kg, total = 32kg
1 (1x15) @ 18kg, total = 36kg

Sitting triceps overhead extension:
1x15 @ 30kg
1x15 @ 32kg
1x15 @ 34.10kg

One arm row:
1 (2x15) @ 20.45kg per arm, total = 41kg
2 (2x15) @ 25kg per arm, total = 50kg

Standing behind the neck shoulder press with barbell:
1x15 @ 32.5kg
1x10 @ 42.5kg
1x12 @ 32.5kg
* Felt like crap when doing this, also I have no idea whether this is called the military press or not.

Shoulder fliers:
1x15 @ 4.5kg per arm , total = 9kg
1x15 @ 9.1kg per arm, total = 18.2kg
1x15 @ 6.8kg per arm, total = 13.6kg

2x5 (body weight =78kg)

30 mins on stepper @ effort level = 12
1 min on stepper @ effort level = 10
* Resulted in 390 calories burned and 185 stairs climbed

20 mins on treadmill @ speed = 7.0 kmph and gradient = 5.0%
1 min on treadmill @ speed = 5.0kmph and gradient = 2.5%
* Resulted in 190 calories burned and 2.2 km walked

Total calories burned = 580 calories (oh my, this is very low)

All in all, a pretty crappy work out. I believe that there were just too many pretty girls in the gym again which might have provided too much distraction in lifting. The amount of pretty girls in the Manulife Fitness First gym is increasing in a very alarming rate......

Conclusion, gym training is a great lifestyle option. Hoorah......

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