Thursday, April 3, 2008

Work Day (Weakness Focused) Gym Session 03/04/2008

Work Day (Weakness Focused) Gym Session 03/04/2008

I did not feel energetic today even after consuming my protein shake mix with creatine and HL Milk both normal and strawberry flavour (bought this by accident). I reckon that I've overexercise the past few weeks.

Anyway I got into the gym at 6:30 and left the gym at 8:45 pm. Total time spent in the gym = 2 hours and 15 minutes. A lot less than the usual exercise.

Today I focused on my weakest exercise ie. chin ups, pullups and dips.

My exercises routine are as follows:

5 mins on rowing machine @ effort level = 10

Pendley rows:
1x15 32.5kg
1x15 42.5kg
1x15 52.5kg

One arm row (without deadlift part):
1x (2x15) 22.72kg per arm, total = 44.54kg
2x (2x15) 25.00kg per arm, total = 50.00kg

Standing barbell bicep curls:
2x15 22.5kg
1x15 27.5kg

2x1 (bodyweight = 78kg)

Chin ups:
2x3 (body weight = 78kg)

2x5 (body weight = 78kg)

* Please note that all these exercises I am really bad at. I am going to try to improve these exercises after my cutting phase.

25 mins on stepper @ effort level = 13
5 mins on stepper @ effort level = 19 (did this by accident but seems to be doable)
1 mins on stepper @ effort level = 10
* Resulted in 360 calories burned and 192 floors climbed.

10 mins on treadmill @ 6.0kmph, gradient = 5.0%
7 mins on treadmill @ 7.0kmph, gradient = 5.0%
* Resulted in 150 calories burned and 1.8 km walked albeit quite badly.

Total calories burned today = 510 calories

Frankly, today just wasn't my day. I am still having DOMS from the squats and benchpress on Tuesday. Hmmmm.....oh well.

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