Monday, January 17, 2011

Work Day Gym Session 12/01/2011

Work Day Gym Session 12/01/2011

I reckon I was coming down with flu today. As such, I decided to just stick to a light cardiovascular session today. I got into the gym around 6:30 pm and got off the gym around 7:40 pm.

Total time spent in the gym = 1 hour 10 mins

My workout routine as follows:

60 mins on the exercise bike @ level = 8 and speed maintain about 55 to 65 rpm
1 min on the exercise bike @ level = 0 and speed maintain about 55 to 65 rpm
* Resulted in 20.5km cycled, around 350 calories burned.

I hope to recover from this flu as soon as possible as I can't wait to get back to my weights routine by next week.

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