Friday, February 4, 2011

Public Holiday Non Gym Session 03/02/2011

Public Holiday Non Gym Session 03/02/2011

Today is the first day of Chinese New Year which is a public holiday for Malaysia. I woke up fairly early today around 8:30 am and decided to bring my dog to the park around 10:00 am prior to heading back to my home town Muar, Johor.

The entire walk took around 50 minutes.

Here are the stats of the said walk:

Thursday, 03/02/2011, medium cardio session
45 mins walking and jogging with Little Foot around the park for 7 times
* Resulted in 280 calories burned and about 4.2km walked and jogged(estimated)

I will be driving back today, I hope there won't be massive traffic jams. Me and my sister will be heading off to Muar, Johor about 1pm today.

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