Friday, November 16, 2007

Work Day Gym Session 15/11/2007

Work Day Gym Session 15/11/2007

I got off work late today ie. 6:30 pm. I was quite reluctant to go to gym earlier that day as I had a splitting headache earlier in the morning at 3:30 am and have taken a panadol. Thereby, reducing some of my strength? Quite possible.

Alright, my exercises are as follows:

5 mins on exercise bike @ effort level 11

Barbell Benchpress:
1x10 60kg
1x10 70kg
1x6 80kg
1x8 80kg
*I admit that was quite bad. Hopefully will see some improvement after the panadol wears off.

Incline Legpress:
4x10 150kg
*I was too lazy to make adjustment to the weights that was already there. Seems ok, might try to increase beyond that.

2x10 55lbs
2x10 65lbs

Barbell Bicep Curls:
2x10 25kg
2x10 30kg

Barbell Tricep Curls:
4x10 30kg


Lateral Row:
2x10 60kg
2x10 70kg
* Can't really remember accurately for this.

All in all, not a very tough work out. In addition, I saw a guy with his nipples pierce with rings. Most people (girls) considered that normal or cool. Frankly, I think it's very odd. In my 5 years of doing gym in Melbourne University, I have never seen guys get their nipples pierced.

Hhhmmm, probably a new trend. I sure as hell not gonna get mine pierced. Hurts like hell and may incurred electrostatic charges, doesn't sound something sensible to do.

Oh well, it's Friday might as well enjoy it.

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