Saturday, November 24, 2007

Work day training 22/11/2007

Work day training 22/11/2007
Two days late for this entry. Work as usual, go to gym @ 6:30 pm. Finished at 9:10pm sharp, total time spent 2 hours and 40 mins. The exercise routines are as follows:

5 mins on exercise bike @ effort level 11

Barbell Benchpress:
1x10 60kg
1x10 70kg
1x8 80kg
1x10 80kg

Barbell bicep curls:
1x10 40lbs
3x10 66lbs

Barbell tricep curls:
4x10 66lbs

Inclined legpress:
4x10 150kg
*Whoopee, just got over 300lbs for that.


Lateral Row:
2x10 60kg
2x10 70kg

Dumbbells shoulder fliers:
4x10 15lbs per arm, total 30lbs

30 mins threadmill @ 9.6kmph
30 mins strider @ effort level 25

Light stretches

That's it folks. I think this was an easy workout, may need to increase intensity at some point in the future.

Superset sounds like a good idea. Do weights from heaviest to lightest (to failure). Well, we'll see how it goes.

PS. Should I go to gym today? Weekend sure passes too fast.

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