Sunday, December 28, 2008

Weekend Gym And Non-Gym Session 20/12/2008 to 21/12/2008

Weekend Gym And Non-Gym Session 20/12/2008 to 21/12/2008

Gym Session 20/12/2008
I got back from Jakarta on Wednesday dated 17/12/2008, I was not able to do any gym training sessions after the my Jakarta trip because I was simply too tired and slightly sick. I had some headaches for two days from Thursday to Friday. Hence, I did a gym training session on Saturday dated 20/12/2008.

I think I got into the gym about 10:30 am immediately after my dentist appointment in Damansara Heights and got off about 12:15 pm , total time spent in the gym = 1 hour and 45 minutes. I can't remember the exact time I have spent in the gym as almost one week has lapsed.

Recently, I bought a tub of UN Whey Isolated protein supplement from Ego Nutrition located in the Curve. This tub of protein was to be kept at home for consumption. Here are some photos of the said protein supplement:

1. UN Ultra Whey Iso 2lbs, total damage = RM188
UN Ultra Whey Isolate standing

2. Closer look at the whey isolates.
UN Ultra Whey Isolates

My workout routine is as follows:

5 mins on rowing machine @ effort level = 10
* Resulted in 41 calories burned

Dumbbells Shoulder Press + Dumbbells Shoulder Fliers (Super-set):
1x10 @ 13.63kg per arm, total = 27.27kg (shoulder)
2x10 @ 9.09kg per arm, total = 18.18kg (fliers)
2x10 @ 15.90kg per arm, total = 31.18kg (shoulder)
2x10 @ 11.36kg per arm, total =22.72kg (fliers)
1x10 @ 20.45kg per arm, total = 40.90kg (shoulder)
* Started with something different but do note the weights might not be accurate as I can recall the exact weights I did.

Dumbbells bicep curls + Standing dumbbell triceps extension (Super-set):
2 (2x10) @ 13.63kg per arm, total = 27.27kg (biceps)
2x10 @ 27.27kg (triceps)
2 (2x10) @ 15.90kg per arm, total = 31.81kg (biceps)
2x10 @ 31.81kg (triceps)

Deadlifts + Pulley for upper back - fixed weight (Super-set):
1x10 @ 60kg (deadlifts)
1x10 @ 45kg (pulley)
2x10 @ 70kg (deadlifts)
2x10 @ 50kg (pulley)
1x10 @ 80kg (deadlifts)
1x10 @ 55kg (pulley)

Dumbbells row + Tricep pulldown - fixed weight (Super-set):
1x10 @ 17.5kg (triceps)
2 (2x10) @ 20.45kg per arm, total = 40.90kg (row)
2x10 @ 22.5kg (triceps)
2 (2x10) @ 25kg per arm, total = 50kg (row)
1x10 @ 25kg (triceps)
* Not very sure whether this was correct in terms of the weight and the exercises but oh well.

30 mins on treadmill with intervals
(eg. 2 mins @ effort level = 10 and 3 mins @ effort level = 8)
1 mins on treadmill @ effort level = 6.6 (Cool-down)
* Resulted in 387 calories burned and about 4.5 km sprint and jog.

Given that, I was pretty uncomfortable after my dentist appointment due to the fact that my dentist did administer some painkillers for my mouth while he was doing the filling of my tooth. I was still managed to pull off a decent gym session. I reckon I did pretty alright.

Non Gym Session 21/12/2008

On Sunday dated 21/12/2008 early morning, I walked Little Foot around the park again about 9:30 am and this time it was for 8 rounds in the play ground near by. Whilst this did not take a lot of time but I definitely could feel myself starting to perspire.

The stats for the walk as follows:

Sunday, 21/12/2008 Medium cardio session
45 mins walking Little Foot around the park 8 times
* Resulted in 250 calories burned and about 4.8 km walked(estimated)

I was not looking forward to return to work as I had a blast from the Jakarta trip and the recovery period after Jakarta trip. Nonetheless, one should not shy away from one job responsibilities.

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